A rascal is the embodiment of the transgressive spirit that quite often breaks the establishment, but plays the game… and plays it well. Rascal men are by definition: PASSIONATE and FREE. We move to spread the Rascal culture rather than to simply sell products. Rascal was conceived for the true gentleman who lives life to the fullest and asks nobody for permission and yet, is willing to hold doors as the fine man he is.
Driven, passionate, a rascal is a winner… a professional at what he does; a man of an enticing, impactful personality.
At Rascal we pride ourselves in standing side-to-side to the modern-day gentleman who writes his own story and his own rules. On all your adventures, we've got your back.
We're your brothers, your partners-in-crime and we believe real gentlemen lend a hand to other gentlemen.
That's why we've partnered with GreaterGood.org to feed a homeless Veteran with every $50+ order. Rascals always do well by doing good.